The Other Metaphorical-Narrative Presence in Han Kang's Discourse, A Cognitive Pragmatic Perception
Dr. Mohammed Sameer Abd Elsalam Literary Critic and Art Critic In her Nobel speech (1), the international novelist Han Kang ranged...
Critical Essays
Dr. Mohammed Sameer Abd Elsalam Literary Critic and Art Critic In her Nobel speech (1), the international novelist Han Kang ranged...
Renewing the structure of presence in the heroine's contemplations in ‘The Dream’, A Cognitive Pragmatic Approach  Dr. Mohammed Sameer...
The Potential Contemplative Room in Room 23, A cognitive Pragmatic Approach Dr. Mohammed Sameer Abd Elsalam Art Critic and Literary...
The Renewed Rhetoric of Subconscious Images Dr. Mohammed Sameer Abd Elsalam Literary Critic and Art Critic Throughout my creative and...
A Cognitive Pragmatic Approach Celebrating International Women's Day 2024 Dr. Mohammed Sameer Abd Elsalam Literary Critic and Art Critic ...
A Cognitive Pragmatic Approach Dr. Mohammed Sameer Abd Elsalam Literary Critic and Art Critic In her abstract creative project, Ulie...
Invisibility, dreamy atmosphere, abstraction, and spectral presence in some of Francesca Bonfatti's self-portraits A Cognitive Spatial...
The Richness of Emptiness and Place Layers in Rene Magritte's The Lovers1 A Cognitive Spatial Approach Dr. Mohammed Sameer Abd Elsalam...
The aesthetical impact of the artistic personality in an expanded literary-cultural context in Rhoda's discourse in Virginia Woolf's The ...
The possible cosmic sympathy in the discourse of Marie in T. S. Eliot's The Waste Land A Cognitive Pragmatic Approach Dr. Mohammed Sameer...
The Rhythm of Simulacrums Behind The Realistic Signs in Carole Touati's Snapshots … Dr. Mohammed Sameer Abd Elsalam Carole Touati...
by Dr. Mohammed Sameer Abd Elsalam In her abstract works, Ulie Schwab(1) made a new creative relationship between the brushy, colored...
by Dr. Mohammed Sameer Abd Elsalam In spite of the narrative structure in Olivia Rana's novel "Black beach"(1), she celebrated deep...
by Dr. Mohammed Sameer Abd Elsalam Laura Muensterer is a unique modern poet, that she presents a creative poetic discourse includes the...
An Aesthetic Transference in Abstract Art .. Review of Gisela Gaffoglio's Artworks by Dr. Mohammed Sameer Abd Elsalam Art Critic In her...
by Dr. Mohammed Sameer Abd Elsalam In her experimental photographs, Carole Touati creates new semiotic relationship between the building...